
+92 331 698 5449

About Us

Our Mission

Alpha Robotics is a high-tech integrated service enterprise specializing in UAV research and development, sales, technical support, UAV operator training and agricultural plant protection services. Alpha Robotics is committed to help agriculture in Pakistan to achieve spraying automation. We provide automatic spraying service to customers through the application of plant protection UAV technology, helping customers to complete pesticide spraying, powder spraying and seed sowing more efficiently.

  • Alpha Robotics‘s agriculture industry experts help you refine your measurement objectives, determine flight plan, and build a technology portfolio.
  • When aerial intelligence is needed, credentialed drone operators execute flights tailored to a field’s specifications. Operators can deploy drones on their own or receive assistance from Alpha Robotics‘s
  • Drone operators upload data into Alpha Robotics Analytics Agriculture to apply machine vision-driven plant health measures and other analytics.
  • Data analysts validate the findings
  • Farmers, agronomists, and other stakeholders use a browser-based interface to view high-resolution imagery and data visualizations.
  • Users can view a report that’s easy to read, shareable, and easily imported into farm management and other external systems.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Call Us: +92 331 698 5449

Alpha Robotics is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate in reaching out today.


Our Values

For responding to an issue at a single point in time or tracking trends over a growing season, farmers can use Alpha Robotics Services to strengthen their overall farm management.


We focused on things for a certain period allows us to do a better quality of work, more work gets done quicker.


We truly believe that Agricultural drones are the key to success and success comes in different stages.


We work with our brilliant team and working in a team is generally everyone agreed that would benefits.